FITA has announced that its brand-new prospectus for the 2024–2025 training year is now live in both digital and hard copy versions, listing all of its exciting training opportunities in England and Scotland. Packed with information on qualifications, training courses and workshops, the latest FITA Training Course Prospectus is a crucial source of guidance for anyone looking to strengthen their skills and gain a competitive edge.
The new prospectus is packed full of information surrounding FITA’s wide range of training courses, ranging from 1-day workshops to 4-day intensive courses. They are designed to deliver content at a variety of entry levels. The prospectus is clearly colour coded to give an easy-to-read outline of what courses are aimed at domestic and commercial fitters, with some covering both.
The prospectus includes dedicated manufacturer training courses delivered in conjunction with FITA and its training consultants. These courses sit outside its standard course content and are specifically designed and driven by the manufacturer and quality assured by FITA and its training consultants in delivery.
FITA also support the future of the industry by offering a dedicated apprenticeship course in the East Midlands. Fully funded training for new entrants is explained in the prospectus and on the FITA website.